The reason I do these reviews is so I can voice my honest opinion and feedback; and maybe help someone make a decision for a future purchase. All My reviews I have personally tried and tested the products.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

SweeTARTS Soft & Chewy Ropes
 SweeTARTS Soft & Chewy Ropes offers a new mouthwatering licorice rope! They are so good, they have a chewy filling! The filling is of course sweetarts. It taste just like the sweetart candy that I grew up with! The kids really enjoyed them. It was something new and exciting. Way better than twizzlers. I feel like Twizzlers taste so artificial it's sickening. But these taste exactly the way you would expect from a brand like sweetarts! I received this product free in return for my honest opinion! Jopin me at Smiley360 and you too could try products for free!


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