The reason I do these reviews is so I can voice my honest opinion and feedback; and maybe help someone make a decision for a future purchase. All My reviews I have personally tried and tested the products.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Edgy wine foil cutter

Wine Foil Cutter. I never knew these existed and I am so glad I have this in my life. One of the best wine accessories I have received. When your trying to open your favorite wine and you have to deal with the pesky foil that comes wrapped around it can be annoying. I have used my teeth, a knife, the corkscrew but none compare to the ease and accessibility of this foil cutter. With a quick swipe viola you know can have access! I love the fact that its small and compact. I can carry it with my in my purse. Hey you never know when it's time to break out the wine. I will now be prepared to dazzle my friends with my new wine accessory. I feel like the cool kid with the new toy hahaha Its nice, sturdy and durable. You can wash it right along with your normal kitchen ware with no problems! Wine foil remover houses 4 razor-sharp, metal, rounded wheels to quickly help you take the foiled top off your wine bottle. You simply set the foil cutter on top of the bottle, squeeze, and twist the bottle around 360 degrees. The result is a perfectly cut piece of foil. I recommend this even if your not a big wine drinker its a very nice tool to have in your collection! My life will never be the same!

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